What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?
14 Answers
Answered by Tom Sutton Heating
21st February 2020
Tom Sutton Heating answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A Combi boiler, simply put, is a boiler that is capable of heating your hot water on demand without need for a storage cylinder, whilst also being able to heat your radiators. It heats mains cold water as it passes through the boiler, to deliver instantaneous hot water. Combi boilers are the most popular boiler type in the UK currently.
Answered by S.A.Hughes Plumbing & Heating
3rd September 2019
S.A.Hughes Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combi boiler is the most commonly used boiler in the uk providing heat for central heating and hot water on demand direct from the mains without the need for cylinders or water storage tanks the boiler senses the movement of water or the change in temperature when you open the the hot tap and fires up to provide hot water at the outlet
Answered by Gas On Sea
25th May 2019
Gas On Sea answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combi boiler is a small white box with a combined heating and hot water system inside, combi boilers can free up space as they do not store water so if you have a traditional system such as tanks in loft, cylinder in airing cupboard would no longer be required. Combi boiler hot water works on a flow switch so it can sense hot water demand and provide instant hot water
Answered by Stroud Boilerworks
16th May 2019
Stroud Boilerworks answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
Combi boilers can satisfy your home heating and hot water needs from one "box". They warm cold water to provide heated water at your hot taps and it will also heat the water pumped around your house to warm radiators. A combi boiler can do both, but the heating and hot water are two different parts of the boiler and only one will be heated at a time.
Answered by BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating
16th May 2019
BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combination or 'combi' boiler is both a high efficiency water heater and a central heating boiler in a single compact unit. Combi boilers heat water directly from the mains when you turn on a tap, so you won't need a hot water storage cylinder or a cold water storage tank in the roof space. They are also very cost-effective and energy-efficient as water is heated instantly rather than being heated and then stored in a cylinder. An added benefit is that hot water is delivered at mains pressure, which means that you could get a powerful shower without the need for a separate pump.
Answered by J. Wheatley Gas Plumbing and Heating Ltd
3rd May 2019
J. Wheatley Gas Plumbing and Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A Combi boiler or Combination boiler provides both heating and instant hot water. To keep your boiler running safely and efficiently, we can service and maintain your combination boiler annually. The limitations of the boiler choosing - depends on the output of the boiler and the hot water outlets required.
Answered by J W Heating & Plumbing Solutions Limited
1st May 2019
J W Heating & Plumbing Solutions Limited answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
Also known as a combination boiler, a combi boiler provides heating and hot water by heating water instantaneously on opening a hot tap, so there is no need for a storage tank. This space-saving quality makes the combi boiler the most popular boiler in the UK, as it can be tucked away neatly under stairs or in cupboards. Combi boilers work best for homes with one bathroom, occupied by single people, couples, or families with one child, as generally they don't allow multiple showers or baths to be run at the same time.
Answered by A Armstrong Plumbing & Heating
26th April 2019
A Armstrong Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combi boiler delivers hot water instantly on demand, meaning there is no separate hot water cylinder. This means you can save space in your home as you won't have a tank in the wiring cupboard or loft, making combi boilers great for flats and houses with 1 bathroom. The downside to a combi boiler is that if the boiler breaks down, there is no back up hot water, like you would have with a hot water cylinder with an immersion heater.
Answered by D R Bell Plumbing and Gas
24th April 2019
D R Bell Plumbing and Gas answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
Ideal boilers have a wide range of combi boilers available, the Logic comes with a 10 year manufacturers warranty and the Vogue can have a 12 year warranty when installed by a Max accredited installer . Your nearest Max installer can be found on the Ideal website. These boilers are manufactured in the UK
Answered by Heatsmart Plumbing Limited
24th April 2019
Heatsmart Plumbing Limited answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combi boiler heats water on demand to supply both heating and hot water. There is no need to have a separate cylinder or tank so this appliance saves space compared to alternative systems. Combi boilers can be powered by gas or electric and use divertor valves to direct the hot water to the heating or hot water.
Answered by Tarka Plumbing
16th April 2019
Tarka Plumbing answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
a combi boiler is a gas boiler and a hot water system which is combined in one unit. The boiler has the facility to not only provide hot water for the radiator circuit but also to provide hot water to the taps, its called instantaneous, its like an electric shower but using mainly gas and provides various levels of heat and water on demand. it allows the customer to utalise a smaller space as no need for the big hot water tank and no need for plastic tanks in the loft, obviously plenty of good points like no legeonala risk as no stored hot water
Answered by S3 Heating and Plumbing
28th February 2019
S3 Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A "combi" or combination boiler is a high efficiency central heating and hot water boiler in a single compact unit. A combi doesn't have a separate hot water cylinder as the boiler heats the water coming into the boiler as soon as a tap is opened. This save on space in the loft or airing cupboard for a large water cylinder, and is also more cost efficient. This is due to the fact the boiler only heats water that is required as apposed to heating a large cylinder and maintaining that stored water until it is used. Also a combi delivers hot water at mains pressure which means good flow at the taps. The downside to this is that combis are more favourable to smaller houses where there's only one bathroom as the boiler might not cope with multiple showers/baths running at the same time.
Answered by Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd
26th February 2019
Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combination boiler is a single unit that produces hot water and central heating without the need for additional cylinders, storage tanks etc. It is very compact and ideal for flats, small houses where no loft is accessible to have cold water storage tanks. The major benefits are that you are not storing any hot water - hot water is on demand. The downside is if the boiler malfunctions then you have no heating or hot water. Combi boilers are more efficient and more cost effective to install.
Answered by D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing
24th February 2019
D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What is a combi boiler & how do combi boilers work?"
A combi boiler is a compact appliance that's supplies heat and instantaneous hot water to outlets, they come on various sizes generally ranging form 24kw-42kw. Most combi boilers now are cupboard fit and very quiet as well as being very efficient. Combi boiler come with warranty's ranging from 2-10 years by various manufacturers.