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What are the benefits of powerflushing?

64 Answers

Answered by DC Heating, Plumbing & Renewables

11th January 2020

DC Heating, Plumbing & Renewables answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

There are huge benefits to carrying out a full powerflush on a central heating system, if done correctly and in conjunction with quality system cleaners a powerflush can remove the majority of dirt, sludge or build up of iron oxides from inside the existing radiators as well as the central heating pipework. In removing this from the system it will make the heating perform at a much better efficiency, dirty sludged up water will take alot longer than clean water to heat up, it will remove blockages aswell as proving the correct working function of the radiator

Answered by Buckley site solutions

2nd December 2019

Buckley site solutions answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

the benefits of Power Flushing your system will extend the lifespan of your central heating system and reduce your energy bills by up to 25%. it can also make your boiler quieter. Radiator heat is significantly increased. Central heating system heats up quicker. Improves the efficiency of your system. Increased circulation through the system.

Answered by Plumblife

7th October 2019

Plumblife answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of power flushing are to ultimately allow your boiler to work as efficiently as it can, prolong the life of the boiler and system, save you money in energy costs and keep you warm. This will also help prevent future maintenance issues that may arise also saving you money.

Answered by BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating

27th September 2019

BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of powerflushing all depends on what your heating system is like. Powerflushing a really dirty system could be really beneficial to the system, it would clean it and make the system more efficient, saving energy and reducing your bills, the central heating would warm up quicker. Usually powerflushing is carried out on open vented systems and on new boiler installs where the old system is dirty.

Answered by S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd

10th September 2019

S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing a heating system has amazing benefits for customer and installer. From a customers point of view he knows that the system is clean and trouble free including an efficient system to save them money. From an installers point of view it means that the boiler your having installed by us will be having the best chance by completing a full clean and flush to the British standards, which means the manufacturers instructions have been followed and trouble free. So powerflushing is the only way.

Answered by DV Plumbing and Gas Services

10th September 2019

DV Plumbing and Gas Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Benefits of power-flushing your heating system. Well there are loads of benefits to this and the main one would be to protect your boiler from getting clogged up with sludge from your radiators. Most boilers have a filter or sensors that end up damaged due to a dirty system. This would put your boiler out of action. No hot water or heating on a cold winters day is not what I call fun. The other benefits would be radiators would work much better and more efficiently. If your radiator is getting hot at the top and not at the bottom then you need a power flush, if it’s getting hot at the bottom and not the top then you need to bleed the radiators.

Answered by Dmac gas services

5th September 2019

Dmac gas services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing is an effective way of removing all the debris/sludge/magnetite from your heating system and radiators giving you extra efficiency from your boiler and saving you on heating bills prolonging the span of your boiler. Once a power flush is complete fitting an external magnetic filter on the system that protects the system from sludge and magnetite.

Answered by S.A.Hughes Plumbing & Heating

3rd September 2019

S.A.Hughes Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

power flushing is an effective technique for removing sludge and sediment from your radiators and heating system, preventing blockages and breakdowns and keeping the system efficient, saving you money on your heating bills and prolonging the life of your radiators, pipework and boiler

Answered by S Seddon Heating

31st August 2019

S Seddon Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

“What are the benefits of power flushing?” Power flushing is normally recommended during when a heating system has a high level of sludge or debris in the pipe work, boiler and radiators. There are multiple benefits of flushing out your heating system. Clears out the pipes so improves flow rates through the heating system. Cleans the radiators to remove cold spots and enable them to give out more heat efficiently. Removes sludge and debris from boiler components to increase reliability, efficiency and performance. Where a power flush differs from other methods is that it is done by a machine and water is pumped around with chemicals added to break down and loosen the sludge/debris. Linked with filter you can normally see the amount being removed and how bad the system was. On completion a heating filter is fitted as best practice to reduce future build up and prolong the life of the boiler and system. Overall if the system need a power flush then once it’s complete it will feel like a new system again.

Answered by Jordy's Plumbing-Heating & Property Services

23rd August 2019

Jordy's Plumbing-Heating & Property Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of having a power flush performed on your heating system aside from the obvious cost-saving benefits of a more efficient central heating system, a power flush can help increase hot water temperatures, speed up radiator convection and provide peace of mind with less chance of boiler breakdowns.

Answered by MB Gas & Heating Ltd

5th August 2019

MB Gas & Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A power flush can be good and bad , our engineers will be able to advise you whether it is the correct type of flush for your system . The benefits of a powerflush are : * Enhanced system reliability * Quieter radiators / pump * remove potentially dangerous debris * prolong the lifespan of your boiler and pump * improve system efficiency * ensure even heat distribution Potential cons : * increased pressure could expose weak joints * potential to expose leaking corroded pipes

Answered by CED Contractors

23rd July 2019

CED Contractors answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Here are some of the ways in which your central heating system could benefit from a power flush: Improved energy efficiency. A more reliable system. Increase the lifespan of your system. Reduced chance of a breakdown. Hotter radiators. Radiators will heat up quicker. Quieter boiler and radiators. Higher hot water temperatures.

Answered by Alltime Plumbing & Heating

21st July 2019

Alltime Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

power flushing when done correctly can Improve the performance of a heating system massively. personally I use a powerflush machine connected with a magna cleanse which has 2 large magnets to catch Margnetite. by removing all sludge,magnetite and other debris its leaving the pipes and radiators with no restrictions which makes it easier for the boiler to work

Answered by ADOGAS

11th July 2019

ADOGAS answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Correct Power-flushing will clear debris from heating systems. This debris is usually caused by either incorrect piping causing air to be sucked into the system ( on conventional gravity type systems ) or due to a lack of maintenance allowing corrosion of the metals in the heating system. This debris can cause damage to the boiler and additional components such as pumps and valves. Once the system is flushed I would advise fitting a magnetic filter and inhibitor to the system. Once a system has been properly flushed you should notice an improvement to the heating of your system. However most Boiler manufacturers do not ask for a system to be power flushed before fitting a new boiler. They request that a hot chemical flush is carried out in line with the fitting of a magnetic filter as mentioned above. Check with your installer his recommendation as to which of the above would be beneficial to your system etc. Please bear in mind that old pipework, pipes in concrete and small bore may not be able to accommodate the pressure from a power flush and a chemical flush would be a wise and safer route to take.

Answered by O’Neill & co (south west) Ltd

11th July 2019

O’Neill & co (south west) Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing is particularly important if,you have a conventional boiler, that has a feed & expansion tank. This is a small tank usually in the loft space. This is because the water has open contact with air, (unlike a pressurised system, Combi or system boilers) This means the inside of radiators, will rust more & protective chemicals, will evaporate or dilute. If a modern boiler is fitted to an older system, the water ways on the new boiler are much smaller. So any rust particles can damage, or effect the new boiler.

Answered by Minty Property Developments

10th July 2019

Minty Property Developments answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing in extremely beneficial to a heating system and it’s heat source. Whether it’s on an existing system or a new system. It is one of the best ways to clean the pipework and radiators. Power flushing is best completed prior to a new boiler being installed. As most new boilers have a low water content, and have smaller water ways, pumping old oxide round a new boiler can be extremely harmful to the new appliance. Flushing a system is also very important for longevity of the system. It increases the efficiency of the system as well as making the radiators work better, giving out more heat.

Answered by Bells Heating

29th June 2019

Bells Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing increases the life of your central heating system & clean out the nasty oxide that builds up in your system causing your central heating system to be less efficient than it should be. powerflushing is excellent for clearing blockages & clearing old rads, however, they work best when system cleaner has been put in a week before & ran through.

Answered by Brendan Ballard Plumbing & Heating Services

26th June 2019

Brendan Ballard Plumbing & Heating Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

You'll read lots of varying information about power flushes, such as it being a requirement to valid boiler warranties, or to extend the life of your boiler. From our 20 plus years of experience, vee don't agree that a power flush is absolutely necessary. It's a lot of money to spend when there are cheaper alternatives out there. When installing a new boiler into an old system, it's common practice to mains flush the system, this flushes out the old water and when refilling, cleaner chemicals are placed inside which effectively cleans the system. This is then drained after 7 to 10 days and your system is refilled with inhibitor. Make sure you also have a magnetic filter on the system. This option is a fraction of the cost of a power flush. With that said, if your system is suffering quite severely with failing cold radiators ect then it's normally a power flush that gets recommended by most companies. Not us, in fact, it could well be cheaper to just replace your radiators with new ones, add the inhibitor and not have to worry any longer!

Answered by John Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Services

23rd June 2019

John Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

powerflushing is an important part of the boiler installation process which cleans existing pipework at an high velocity in conjunction with the right chemicals before the new boiler is installed, if done correctly the new boiler & new or existing radiators can achieve the right heat output as circulation through the system is normal also if the system is maintained well by checking inhibitor levels on a service visit there is less chance of the boiler breaking down, this is very important especially on old back boiler conversions.

Answered by GasCall - Plumbing & Heating

21st June 2019

GasCall - Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The main benefit of having your system PowerFlushed is having all the debris, sludge and rust particles removed from your radiators, boiler and pipework. This enables your system to run at a much higher efficiency, thus reducing your gas consumption and running costs. Powerflushing increases the longevity of your complete heating system and validates the warranty on your new boiler, as all manufacturers now require a Powerflush of an existing system if you are having a new boiler fitted. We highly recommend a magnetic system filter to be fitted after a powerflush - this traps and keeps all the sludge ( magnetite ) that builds up over time, and can be removed when you have your boiler serviced. This keeps your system in ‘Tip Top’ condition - reducing faults and breakdowns over the boilers lifespan.

Answered by Falcon Heating Ltd

21st June 2019

Falcon Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing is the only way to effectively cleanse a complete heating system. Pumping water through the system at a higher rate than it's circulating pump combined with the action of chemical additives is proven to remove sludge and debris from radiators, pipes and boilers. Cleansing heating systems resolves cold spots and restores system efficiency.

Answered by Forge Plumbing

19th June 2019

Forge Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing can: Eradicate circulation problems Restore heat output to radiators, improving efficiency Clean the whole heating system including the boiler, pipework, radiators and F&E tanks Reduce and prevent boiler noises Remove corrosive sludge that can damage pumps, valves, boilers and pipework

Answered by Safe Heating Ltd

15th June 2019

Safe Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

By having a powerflush on your heating system you are prolonging the life of your boiler and the whole system thus enabling it to work more efficiently and effectively. This will reduce your gas bills and heat your house a lot quicker. I would always advise to have a system filter installed after the powerflush. When air, water and metal mix this causes the sludge and iron fillings in the system, the filter will trap these and prevent them from travelling around your system, in turn keeping your system clean without the need to have a powerflush again at a future date

Answered by Priory Plumbing and Heating

13th June 2019

Priory Plumbing and Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflush is basically the central heating system and boiler been thoroughly cleaned out by the use of a machine pumping round with aid of chemicals to rid the black oxide built up inside your pipes etc This is so beneficial as it prolongs the life of your main asset the boiler If you require anymore information don’t hesitate to call

Answered by Ultimate heating services ltd

11th June 2019

Ultimate heating services ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A power flush can help maximise the efficiency of your boiler and central heating system. After a power flush, your heating system could be restored to nearly-new condition, without the hassle or financial expense of replacing an old, inefficient boiler. A power flush involves circulating high-strength cleansing chemicals, including a descaler, a corrosion inhibitor and a sludge breaker, throughout a central heating system in order to remove debris, rust and contaminants. The aim of a power flush is to improve system circulation and, therefore, efficiency that ultimately saves you money. After your central heating system has been flushed, you'll know the benefits straight away. Internally your heating system will be operating much more efficiently. The cleaner flow of hot water may even reduce boiler and pipe noises! Any of the following could be a sign that your central heating system needs a power flush: - Inefficiency and lost heat - Little or no hot water - Cold spots on radiators - Dirty water when bleeding radiators - Pump or valve seizure and/or failure

Answered by Wakefield Boiler Services

10th June 2019

Wakefield Boiler Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

There’s 2 types of “heating flushing” . Ones mains powered ( power flush ) the other is a chemical flush . Through experience I have come to the conclusion that a power flush is best practice for system cleaning . It can be a good form of aggressive agitation for any of the so called static sludge in your system . By cleaning a radiator at an and replenishing it with fresh clean water will only help your homes heating and thus reducing the gas consumption of what you need to burn to make your home comfortable and warm .

Answered by Balos Superior Quality Heating

8th June 2019

Balos Superior Quality Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

We at Balos S Q Heating believe that the power flushing can solve most off central heating problems cold spots. noisy central heating system . constant need of bleeding radiators. frequent replacement of central heating circulation pump. but it is very important to diagnose the problem first that's why we use thermal imaging cameras on each radiator to see exact problem and compare the heating output of each radiator before and after it is not true that you customers see no change after power flushing in our pictures from before and after all our customers are amazed to see the difference in heat output

Answered by Pavlou Plumbers

5th June 2019

Pavlou Plumbers answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The main benefit is financial which affects the environment. If you have an old heating system with water tanks in the loft or above a hot water cylinder, you are more likely to require a central heating flush than if you had a pressurised heating system. This is because the black sludge is a form of rust which can only occur when there is oxygen in the water. As you may know there is oxygen in fresh water. The water that has been in your heating system has a lot less or no oxygen because the oxygen would separate from the water when it heats up. If you do have a pressurised system with a pressure gauge and you find yourself increasing the pressure regularly by topping up the water, in effect the end result is making black sludge. If the pressure is going down regularly contact your heating engineer. Going back to the question of the benefit of having a flush is, heating black sludge costs money and it won't heat up like water. The less sludge in your system the quicker the water in the system will heat up. Also having no sludge in the system means boilers, pumps, motorised valves all last longer.

Answered by Madison Heating

4th June 2019

Madison Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

When it comes to power flushing it's hard for a customer to see the benefit in doing so. It costly and your not actually going to see anything for your money. But wait!!! Have you been having issues with your boiler or heating system lately,components breaking, seals leaking, pumps seazing. Have you a cold radiator on the system that never heats up? Have you noticed a room or two colder than the rest of the rooms? Have you got a half moon shape at the bottom of the radiator? Have you got a rasping noise coming from your boiler? Have you noticed black water coming from your radiator when you need to bleed them? Are you bleeding your radiators excessively? These are all signs that may need a power flush on your system. You may not see what you get for your money with power flush but over time you will save hundreds of pounds on break down and on your heating bills which will pay for the power flush itself. You see overtime inside your heating system the water can react with the steel in the radiators and this creates a black /grey substance called magnetite. (Magnetite) is a by-product of of iron and is released as oxygen and water react with the steel inside your radiator. Only recently have plumbing and heating professionals been adding a chemical to the heating system to stop this reaction called (Inhibitor). It has become vital to add this to system due to the fact the newer more efficient boilers have much smaller water ways inside there heat exchangers and magnetite can have a detrimental effect on these newer boilers. Power flushing old heating systems with the above issues is a great way to rid your system of the dreaded magnetite. Which can cause a huge amount of issues time and money to resolve. Make sure that, if you are having a new boiler installed that you're plumber or heating engineer power flushes the system, uses the correct chemical cleanser,to clean the system and then he doses the system,with a good inhibitor to stop this happening again. Believe me power flushing can turn an old inefficient heating system with radiators that are not heating and a noisy boiler into a brand or system that is continually breaking down into new efficient heating system saving you money on your gas and plumbing bills hand over fist!

Answered by Gas Worx Southampton ltd

3rd June 2019

Gas Worx Southampton ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Loud running system, poor flow or over heating boiler. Poor heat from radiators and slow to even get warm. These are just some of the faults dirty heating systems can suffer from. With a full power-flush connected directly into the current heating pump, either internal of the boiler or external is the best possible place to start a flush. Heart of the system maximum flow while cleaning with a large pump which separates the dirty from clean within a system. Chemical is used and adding heat can speed the process Along. Combi boiler suffer badly from dirty systems as their plate heat exchangers are very small like a Honeycomb. This causes the hot water to run hot and cold every 30seconds. All radiators are cleaned, coil within a cylinder and of course the boiler.

Answered by LP Plumbing & Heating Ltd

2nd June 2019

LP Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A powerflush is way of cleaning your heating system an washing it free from magnetite (black sludge). It works by attaching a machine to the system that has a pump attached, this then pushes water around your system at high velocity along with a chemical. You can change the flow backwards and forwards to help the process, large magnets can also be added to the unit to attract and retain the magnetite deposits. The process will usually take about a day and should involve each radiator being isolated individually throughout the cleaning process to ensure each one is cleaned thoroughly. The main benefit and the one which is the most important of all is that it will prolong the life of your boiler and all associated items within the heating circuit. Another benefit is that it will give you even heat throughout all of your radiators, plus quiten down the whole system if it was previously very noisy. Whilst Powerflushing is a great way to clean a system it does come with risk. If you have a system that is very old or poorly installed it can loosen or pop off fittings causing leaks, while this isn't a regular occurrence you will normally be asked to sign a waiver for this reason. However there are othet ways of cleaning a heating system that are very effective if done properly. Your plumbing and heating engineer will be able to advise you on your best course of action once they have surveyed the system. If your based in Kent and would like further information then by all get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.

Answered by 3T Gas maintenance Ltd

1st June 2019

3T Gas maintenance Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A powerflush is a pump that is connected to the cylinder which will move the system water at high velocity backwards and forwards combined with a set a magnetic to catch iron oxide derived which has built up in the system, 1mm of scale/ sludge is the equivalent to 7% energy loss added up over the year can be costly loss , powerflushing the system and removing the sludge , will result in better heat transfer , less energy usage , and longevity to the system , reduced repairs

Answered by G & A Plumbing and Gas Ltd

1st June 2019

G & A Plumbing and Gas Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Having your heating system power flushed it removes all the dirt & debris from your heating system it makes the system quieter and more efficient as the sludge in the bottom of the radiators removed the whole of the radiators will get hot & give better heat output. Having you system power flushed will save you money as it should decrease you energy bill & prolong the life of your boiler & pump.

Answered by A.O.S Heating and Gas Services Ltd

31st May 2019

A.O.S Heating and Gas Services Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A clean system is vital to prolong the life of the boiler and maintain efficiency. Years of sludge build up within your radiators can deteriorate the performance of your heat by upto 40% which in turns means an additional spend by upto 40% on gas . Clean system better quality heat longer boiler life.

Answered by MD Plumbing and Heating

30th May 2019

MD Plumbing and Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Having a powerflush done will both greatly improve the efficiency and the life span of your heating system, saving you money on your heating bills and costly repairs. A powerflush will remove the sludge which has built up in your heating system. If a system is left untreated, the sludge will cause a range of problems such as: - cold radiators/ cold spots on them - Heating is slow to heat up - excessive system noise - cause your pump to keep burning out and need changing - cause 2 and 3 port zone valves to seize open or shut and burn the motor out - cause leaks/ pin holes on your radiators - cause automatic air vents to leak - blockage on main heat exchanger and pipework. - block the plate heat exchanger on a combi so the hot water doesn’t get as hot or runs hot and cold. A boiler and heating system install is one of the biggest purchases in a property. A powerflush should be seen as an investment in your heating system to protect it and keep it running smoothly and efficiently as is was designed to do. You wouldn’t buy a brand new car and then never change the oil inside it, same thought process should be taken with looking after your heating system to ensure the water inside it is as clean and protected as possible.

Answered by NJP Heating Services Ltd

27th May 2019

NJP Heating Services Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of powerflushing are Maximum heat from all radiators (no cold spots) and it’ll take less time to heat up your home. No long/short term damage to your boiler, circulating pump or heating valves. If your system is dirty then once powerflushed this can increase your energy savings by 10%

Answered by Gas On Sea

24th May 2019

Gas On Sea answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing can increase the lifespan of your central heating system. Improve the efficiency of the central heating system and radiators. Give you peace of mind that the central heating system and radiators are in good condition. Powerflushing can also help to reduce your energy bills as the boiler pump doesn't have to work as hard with a cleaner system.

Answered by Legion Plumbing & Heating

22nd May 2019

Legion Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing a central heating system provides several benefits. It removes sediment, sludge and contaminants from within the system providing greater system efficiency - radiators emit heat better when they are not full of muck! Reducing gas bill, co2 emissions and wear and tear on your boiler. It’s also prolongs boiler life and reduces breakdown as sludge and harsh system water, block and attack parts within the boiler. It also helps honour manufacturer’s boiler warranties as most are voided by boilers fitted to dirty systems. Powerflushing is highly recommended when installing a new boiler onto an existing system. Along with the installation of a good quality (ideally brass) central heating filter to prevent any further contaminants from affecting your new boiler.

Answered by Louis Gas & Heating Ltd

22nd May 2019

Louis Gas & Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of powerflushing a heating system is to clear all the sludge from pipes radiator and boiler making the system more efficient and the boiler will last longer. Sludge in a boiler can cut the life span of a boiler, having a powerflush will prolong the life of the boiler. It's also highly recommended that a magnetic filter is installed on the return pipe just before the boiler to protect it from sludge build up. Any sludge and debris will be caught before entering the boiler and should be cleaned on the annual boiler service.

Answered by Total Plumbing Surrey

21st May 2019

Total Plumbing Surrey answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Why and whats a Powerflush ? New boiler being installed or an old existing boiler playing up ? Chances are you would benefit from a Powerflush After your central heating system has been Powerflushed, you'll notice the benefits straight away. The heating system will be operating much more efficiently with all the magnetite sludge removed and the cleaner flow of hot water can even reduce boiler and pipework noises. Aside from the obvious cost-saving benefits of a more efficient central heating system, a Powerflush can help increase hot water temperatures, speed up radiator heating times and provide peace of mind with less chance of the boiler and heating components breaking down in the future

Answered by Youle & son's mechanical services ltd

21st May 2019

Youle & son's mechanical services ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

First question would be, Why would you need a Powerflush? when a system is starting to get older, particles from the metal in the system starts to breakdown by the oxidized water. Then that can get trapped in the heat exchanger of the boilers, the radiators, even the pipework. creating cold spots or knackering the boiler itself. So a powerflush is a key bit of kit to keep your heating system maintained. The main benefit of a powerflush. is to clear your heating system of as much sediment as possible. So that your Heating systsm can run smoothly and without damaging the boiler.

Answered by Glennon plumbing services ltd

20th May 2019

Glennon plumbing services ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Every system requires some degree of a flush when installing a new boiler, whether it be a mains cold water flush with a magnetic filter or a power flush. If the system is reasonably new and the system water is generally clear then a mains flush should be sufficient. If however your system water is black, orange or a greenish colour you would definitely benefit from a power flush. A power flush is a lot more thorough than a mains flush because of the high velocity pump and powerful magnets which helps remove the built up sludge/magnate which sits at the bottom of the radiators creating cold spots. If left untreated this sludge/magnate will be left to circulate around your heating system and find its way into the boilers moving parts creating leaks and possibly even invalidating your boilers warranty. Regardless of which boiler brand you choose they all need a clean system and a regular service.

Answered by HPE Services

18th May 2019

HPE Services answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing is used to remove build up of sludge and rust from a central heating system. These build ups can cause multiple problems in heating systems, such as sluggish circulation, cool spots on radiators, blockages in pipework and damage to central heating boilers, pumps and valves. A clean central heating system will be more reliable,less likely to break down and be much more efficient saving on running costs.

Answered by Love Your Plumber Limited

17th May 2019

Love Your Plumber Limited answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

We think the best combi boiler on the market is the Ideal vogue max. I would recommend it to anyone, they're are a unique bit of kit. The Ideal Vogue Max also has a simple LED screen which makes it considerably easy to operate for end users, making it an ideal boiler for almost any home.

Answered by D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing

17th May 2019

D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Having your system powerflushed will allow your central heating system to operate more efficiently, which means that you are not only less likely to have boiler breakdowns (and as a result pay for costly repairs), but you'll also be able to benefit from reduced boiler noise and less cold spots in radiators.

Answered by C C Heating

17th May 2019

C C Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Benefits of powerflushing your central heating system include... A more efficient central heating system, lower gas bills, a warmer home and it stops sludge from damaging parts of your boiler so you save on matainance/repair costs that might otherwise occur from not powerflushing your heating system.


17th May 2019

ISV PLUMBING LTD answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing will remove if done properly any sludge or oxides in the cental heating system, the filter will preventing such products entering the boiler, which inevitably will cause blockages, and the heating system to back up, as these products will block the different components of the boiler. Power Flushing prolonged fe life of the boiler and central heating system, and allows the system to work more efficiently.

Answered by S Hopkinson Gas Heating & Plumbing

17th May 2019

S Hopkinson Gas Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing cleans all the radiators and pipe work asociated with the central heating system. It makes for better circulation which results in a more efficient system. If the pipe work size is 8mm microbore copper. Power flushing will not work as the volume of water cannot be passed through the system. Better to replace the radiators and install a Magna clean filter on the return pipe under the boiler.

Answered by Enflame Heating and Plumbing

17th May 2019

Enflame Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

What are the benefits of powerflushing? The main benefits of power flushing are it helps the efficiency of the central heating system by cleaning all of the radiators in the house and getting rid of the silt in them, which not only helps them perform better, but it also helps the longevity of the boiler too.

Answered by S3 Heating and Plumbing

9th May 2019

S3 Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing is the only sure was to clean up your heating circuits and radiators. The qualified power flusher you use will give the entire system a chemical treatment which breaks down sludge and magnetite and then turn by turn flush each radiator out. If the engineer has a posh machine with a flow direction diverter (like me :) ) he/she will be able to dislodge stubborn build ups of magnetite and rust particles that have settled in a nicely compacted mound in the middle of your radiators. By removing this build-up you should get a nice and even temperature distribution from top to bottom of your radiators. This also means that your boiler should be working more efficiently and there's less chance of the nasty bits floating around your system clogging up your boilers heat exchanger. Remember that if you have an older boiler that's working fine with no problems it doesn't mean you don't need a system flush, old boilers have huge heat exchangers that have large heat transfer channels that are unlikely to be affected by magnetite and sludge, however when you upgrade your boiler to a nice new modern one remember the heat exchangers have tiny passage ways which WILL clog up and may damage your shiny new boiler. Talk to a power flush engineer and get them to do a water sample for you, you will know straight away if the water quality is detrimental to your heating system. Also note a full thorough flush will easily take 4 to 5 hours on a standard 3 bed house.

Answered by SPC Plumbing and Heating Ltd

8th May 2019

SPC Plumbing and Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

powerflushing is a process heating engineers use to clean the heating system, you attach a unit to the heating system which pumps around water and cleaner thought the heating system and radiators to remove sludge and other debris from the system, you get sludge from oxigen in the water and system which is not been maintain very well and chemical added called inhibitor and keep at the correct levels.

Answered by J. Wheatley Gas Plumbing and Heating Ltd

3rd May 2019

J. Wheatley Gas Plumbing and Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing is the process that most heating engineers use to clean central heating systems. A powerflush will increase the efficiency of your central heating system by allowing heat to radiate correctly and removing the strain from within your pump. Powerflushing will also increase the life span of your boiler. Here at J.Wheatley Gas, Plumbing and Heating Ltd. we have our own powerflushing machine.

Answered by Richard Berriman Heating & Plumbing

3rd May 2019

Richard Berriman Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing can be found to be necessary after a number of years when a heating system has been poorly installed or poorly maintained and either blockages have occurred in pipework or a build up of sludge has reduced the flow of heating water around the system. Powerflushing can remove most of this sludge or debris bringing back the initial efficiency and performance of the heating system. There is no British Standard for powerflushing however so the effectiveness of any particular powerflush can be questionable. It is strongly advised that heating system water should be kept in good condition by the use of system cleansing agents and anti corrosion 'inhibitor' solutions together with system filters which stop harmful magnetite etc blocking the waterways of your boiler which would decrease its efficiency.

Answered by Tom Sutton Heating

2nd May 2019

Tom Sutton Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Power flushing is the process that most heating engineers use to clean heating systems of black iron oxide (sludge) that you will find in most heating systems that aren’t regularly inhibited. Black iron oxide comes from the internal corrosion of the systems radiators, this sludge can cause various faults such as blocked pumps and faulty diverter valves unless the heating system is sufficiently cleaned.

Answered by Regenesis Facilities Ltd t/a Hythe Heating

26th April 2019

Regenesis Facilities Ltd t/a Hythe Heating answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

When a heating system is installed it comprises of different metals in the presence of water which is the perfect conditions for galvanic corrosion. The addition of a corrosion inhibitor will only slow the process and so a magnetic filter should also be added to the system to collect magnetite, the by-product of corrosion, and prevent it entering the boiler heat exchanger which can cause costly system failures. Over the course of about 5 years the dilution of inhibitor and accelerated corrosion in the presence of magnetite requires a full drain down of the system, flush and refill with new inhibitor. At this time it is opportune to perform a hot power flush with a specialist cleanser and radiator agitator to ensure the removal of all the sludge and magnetite which commonly accumulated in the lower centre of the radiators which reduces flow and heat exchange capacity making the system less efficient. The process takes about 1/2 a day for a 7-10 radiator system and costs in the region of £400-£600 but will see savings over the course of 5 years on fuel usage and component failure as well as keeping the system nice and quiet. No more gurgling boilers at 3am.

Answered by Northern heating and solar Ltd

26th April 2019

Northern heating and solar Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

If your central system is blocked by sludge and debris it can be very beneficial performing a power flush. A power flush will increase the efficiency of your system greatly by allowing heat to radiate correctly and removing strain on your pump. It will also greatly increase the lifespan of your boiler and stop unnecessary overheating. Be wary of some companies that do a really poor job and charge a fortune. Thanks jay

Answered by Darren Harwood

26th April 2019

Darren Harwood answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A power flush is known as a cleansing process which removes sludge that has built up inside your central heating system. If these substances are left in your system, it could have an impact on the efficiency of your heating system by preventing even distribution of heat around your home. A power flush could be an ideal solution to clean and maintain your central heating system to improve the amount of heat permitted from your radiators. Eventually, the sludge in your system could also cause severe blockages and damage, leading to a costly breakdown to repair. During a power flush, water is sent rapidly through the system to extract debris, limescale and sludge.

Answered by iGas Heating Ltd

25th April 2019

iGas Heating Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Powerflushing your central heating system can have many benefits You can suffer from huge amounts of sludge build up in your system, which will affect performance It will cost you more to run the boiler as the system will be less efficient and you’ll also experience Radiators not heating correctly Powerflushing can solve this, and can prolong the lifespan of your heating system and your boiler itself, subsequently saving you money One particular symptom of a dirty heating system is Radiators that are hot at the top and cold at the bottom This will have a negative effect and cost you substantially more on your energy bills A Powerflush can solve this and have your heating working perfectly as it was designed to do

Answered by Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd

25th April 2019

Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

There are many benefits to having your heating system power-flushed! Firstly it gets rid of all the built up sludge, deposits and grime in your radiators and heating system (whilst having it done you will see the nice brown/black water coming out from it all!) It extends the life of your heating system and therefore saves you money in the long run. Your radiators will warm up quicker as there will no longer be any cold spots in them due to the build up of gunk! It will reduce your energy bills too as the system will now be more efficient due to the cleaner water travelling through the pipework, boiler and radiators. Look after your heating system and it will look after you!

Answered by T Brown Heating Solutions Ltd

25th April 2019

T Brown Heating Solutions Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

When a power flush is performed properly what you are doing is removing as much scale and magnite from the system as possible. Any restrictions in pipework and radiators is broken down and removed. This increases the efficiency of the heating system that will allow your radiators to heat up quicker and perform better. The boiler will also benefit of being able to transfer the heat quicker.

Answered by Lakins Heating and Plumbing

24th April 2019

Lakins Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

A Powerflush is a process which cleanses your central heating system, its main aim is to remove deposits of sludge, rust and any other debris that may have formed over time. Below are a few symptoms that may suggest that your central heating system may need powerflushing. Cold areas on radiators, mainly at the bottom. Noisy boiler (kettling) or pump. Dirty water when you bleed the radiators. Radiators take a long time to heat up. Boiler regularly shuts down and needs restarting. What can a powerflush do for my central heating system? Radiators heat up quicker. Radiators are hotter. Quieter radiators and boiler. System working more efficiently, therefore cheaper fuel bills. Higher hot water temperatures. Improved reliability, less chance of breakdown. Increase the life of your heating system.

Answered by MasterGas Heating & Plumbing

24th April 2019

MasterGas Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Benefits of powerflushing This benefit is noticeable straight away as you won't have to wait so long for your radiators to warm up anymore. Not only will they warm up quicker, but they may also feel a degree or two warmer, as the cold spots have all been removed. Powerflushing gives your central heating system a longer lifespan Powerflushing cleans your central heating system and returns it to a brand new condition again. This reduces the risk of running into an expensive breakdown or pricey repairs in the near future. Powerflushing keeps your central heating system working efficiently A powerflush leaves your system nice and clean, so it doesn't have to work as hard to heat to your home. This means it is using less energy but will make your home even warmer, so you may even be able to turn your thermostat down a little.

Answered by Approved Technical Services Ltd

24th April 2019

Approved Technical Services Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

Your boiler is the heart of your home it provides heating and hot water The pipes that circulate around your home to radiators are like veins arteries and if a blockage or partially blocked pipe exists it’s fatal to the economical running of your heating system Powerflushing your system can bring new life to a heating system the house is warmer the water gets hot and in some cases your gas bill is reduced In feng shui the Chinese art of cause and effect Stagnant water is look upon as something with negative energy and for good reason to Where ever water is used it should always be clean and free running or problems will ensue

Answered by HPE Heating And Plumbing Engineer

24th April 2019

HPE Heating And Plumbing Engineer answered the question "What are the benefits of powerflushing?"

The benefits of power flushing a central heating system are that. You may not need to replace sludged up rads that heat very inoficiently. Central heating warms the house quicker. Getting rid of sludge reduces the risk of leaks at the boiler connections Getting rid of sludged up system saves you money on your gas bill as it takes less time to heat. But it it is advised not just getting a powerflush, you should get a boiler filter added to protect the boiler from sludge deposit in the future.

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