My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?
7 Answers
Answered by G Potts Plumbing & Heating Ltd
13th June 2020
G Potts Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
I find a lot of the time this is due to an external issue with a programmer/timer or thermostat not working correctly. Check these are correctly set and calling for heat. Check for batteries in any wireless thermostats. After that it’s more likely to be an issue with the boiler that’s going to need a professional to look at. More common problems are diverter valves and motors. Make sure if you’ve recently topped up the boiler pressure you haven’t accidentally turned any valves off for the heating.
Answered by Gas Guardian Ltd
30th March 2020
Gas Guardian Ltd answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
This could be due to a number of reasons dependant on the type of boiler and system controls in place. It could be any of the below -Batteries low in wireless thermostats -Faulty relay/switch in controls for heating (room thermostat, programmer) -Faulty component/seized component in the diverter/motorised valve -Faulty sensor -Air in the system/airlock -Restriction in heating pipework Etc.
Answered by Careys Plumbing & Gas Ltd
22nd September 2019
Careys Plumbing & Gas Ltd answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
In a combi boiler the most common problem is the diverter valve. However there are other components to consider like water flow sensors and if the water seems intermittent causing the boiler to lock out then it would point towards the hot water plate heat exchanger. Also know as the secondary heat exchanger
Answered by S3 Heating and Plumbing
22nd August 2019
S3 Heating and Plumbing answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
The most common cause of this fault would be a faulty diverter valve or motor. If the diverter valve is stuck in the hot water position the heating circuit won't be heated. Another cause could be a faulty thermostat or heating timer. In any case a Gas Safe engineer will be required to diagnose the issue and find the faulty component for you.
Answered by DLM GAS Ltd
25th June 2019
DLM GAS Ltd answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
Here at DLM Gas we ensure the simple checks are performed first. The sequence of operation should be followed to quickly and accurately ascertain the point of failure. Numerous components in a heating system could cause this breakdown. The programmer, room thermostat, pump, motorised valve or the boiler itself are some examples of faulty components that could manifest in this breakdown. There are a range of different system designs that incorporate different components and hydraulic set ups, here at DLM Gas we would advise contacting a qualified and time served breakdown engineer like us to attend for a diagnosis and repair.
Answered by Gas On Sea
24th May 2019
Gas On Sea answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
If your central heating isn’t working but hot water is then the first common fault here would be the motorised valve, this may be jammed in hot water mode and not switching to the heating side, another reason could be a faulty programmer or timed settings that are simply not switched on. BoilerOne recommend you consult a gas safe registered engineer to diagnose the problem.
Answered by Parallel plumbing and heating
23rd May 2019
Parallel plumbing and heating answered the question "My central heating isn't working but hot water is, why?"
If your boiler seems to be working and your hot water supply is still functioning, but your central heating is not working, then the problem is either down to the settings on your boiler and central heating system or because a component of the boiler , almost certainly the motorised diverter valve is gone