Why is my radiator cold?
9 Answers
Answered by A Timmins Plumbing & Heating
10th October 2021
A Timmins Plumbing & Heating answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
There can be numerous reasons why your radiator is cold, the simplest being, it is switched off, turn the TRV to 5 and see if that makes a difference. There could be air in the radiator, try venting, remembering to add water if it’s pressurised heating system. If the TRV is open & the radiator is full of water it might need further investigation, possible blockage, possible faulty valves etc.
Answered by Plumbology Services
13th April 2021
Plumbology Services answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
We tend to find the most common problem being on the trv side of your radiator. Where the trv hasn’t been moved in a while the pin will get stuck down and needs releasing. Could also be air build up in your heating system that needs venting normally radiators at your highest point will be affected. May also be your system is slightly sludged up causing hot and cold spots this would indicate you need a powerflush.
Answered by Task Legends
24th January 2021
Task Legends answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
It could be cold due to sludge blocking up the radiator. A powerflush may be required to clean the system. Air could be filling up the radiator and may require bleeding. Valves could be turned off, pin could be stuck inside TRV (Thermostatic Radiator Valve) causing the valve to stop the flow.
Answered by Maxflush Limited
11th August 2020
Maxflush Limited answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
There could be many reasons for a cold radiator. Could the valves be turned off? Is the room already at a required temperature? TRV’s will shut down if the room is already warm. Is it just cold at the top/bottom? Could be a build up of air in the top (will require bleeding/venting) or an accumulation of debris at the bottom (will probably require a powerflush or system clean).
Answered by D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing
29th June 2020
D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
As obvious as it sounds, make sure it is switched on, turn both valves anti-clockwise and switch the heating on. Next you could try bleeding the radiator, make sure you know how to refill the system if you have a sealed system such as a combi boiler. If neither of these resolve the issue we would recommend calling in a trusted local plumber.
Answered by MB Gas & Heating Ltd
14th June 2020
MB Gas & Heating Ltd answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
There can be many reasons for why a radiator is not getting hot , the most common issue is that it simply needs bleeding . If you have tried bleeding the radiator and it has worked in the past then the next common cause is a faulty thermostatic radiator valve or the valve is closed , generally it is a small issue creating a big problem
Answered by McGrath Heating Services Ltd
5th June 2020
McGrath Heating Services Ltd answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
A radiator can become cold for a number of reasons a faulty radiator valve debris in system that has blocked a pipe and also air in the system it’s a good idea to get your boiler and system checked every 12 months So that any faults can be found before they get worse your local heating engineer will be able to diagnose fault quickly and get you up and running again
Answered by BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating
8th February 2020
BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
Radiators can be cold for many reasons. The most common is that the radiator is switched off at one end, try opening both valves and seeing if that helps. It may also be that the thermostatic valves pin is stuck, you can try removing the thermostatic head and seeing if that helps. Other possible reasons are faulty pump, radiator needs bleeding, system needs balancing or a blockage. Always call a engineer if unsure.
Answered by Cartwright and Hillyar Plumbing and Heating
30th January 2020
Cartwright and Hillyar Plumbing and Heating answered the question "Why is my radiator cold?"
your radiator could be cold for a number of reasons. A common cause is the thermo static valve is stuck in the closed position. it could be blocked with debris in the system. it could need bleeding. or perhaps the radiators could need balancing. this is where the flow to each one is set to ensure even flow rate through all of the radiators on the system.