Why does my electric boiler keep blowing its internal fuse?
4 Answers
Answered by Infinity Electrics & Security Ltd
1st May 2020
Infinity Electrics & Security Ltd answered the question "Why does my electric boiler keep blowing its internal fuse?"
The Heating element or circulation pump is more than likely faulty but could be the control circuit. either way it needs testing by a qualified installer. Are you replacing with the correct size fuse. More information is required to diagnose a fault like this as it could be various things that blow a fuse
Answered by Protec Gas Services
10th March 2020
Protec Gas Services answered the question "Why does my electric boiler keep blowing its internal fuse?"
9 times out of 10 it’s a pump issue, but you will need an engineer experienced with this type of boiler to check all the systems. Please note this is not the sort of thing you should attempt yourself most boiler manufacturers can offer a fixed price repair. With more details I could possibly advise you better.
Answered by SAFGas Ltd
14th November 2019
SAFGas Ltd answered the question "Why does my electric boiler keep blowing its internal fuse?"
This will unfortunately need investigation by a suitably qualified or competent person with the right equipment & experience. It depends on the model of boiler, what fuse it blowing, is it a new installation or just started blowing etc etc.... Further information & investigation is certainly required to give an accurate & decisive answer unfortunately, it is not clear cut !!
Answered by Electri-Call-Us
24th March 2019
Electri-Call-Us answered the question "Why does my electric boiler keep blowing its internal fuse?"
It depends on the boiler fitted as to what fuse you are asking about. Some early ones like the Amptec C600 units had a control fuse for pump if that blew it was indicative of a pump failure. There was also a thermal fuse that was strapped to the pipe inside where the element was housed, if the pump or heating demand was turned off whilst the elements where still heating the small amount of water in the pipe could boil and the thermal fuse would blow. To overcome this there was an add on pump overrun circuit board that you could retro fit after.