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What water do window cleaners use?

5 Answers

Answered by The Window Cleaners 2 Services

1st April 2020

The Window Cleaners 2 Services answered the question "What water do window cleaners use?"

A traditional window cleaner would use soapy water, which he would use on the next house and the next house etc, etc.... which if you think about it, after his first house every house thereafter will be cleaned with dirty water!!! We use deionised water (pure water) on every single window we clean, so each window,frames and doors are left truly CLEAN. It’s the most up-to date way to CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS.

Answered by M.E.D Ltd

29th September 2019

M.E.D Ltd answered the question "What water do window cleaners use?"

We use the pure water system so the water is filtered so it cleans windows with out the need for chemicals or soap. I clean the inside of windows also so in that case the old fashioned way of using the blade would be used. This gives great results & also as it is inside then the outside dirt does not effect it like it would on the outside of the windows.

Answered by Wez Tyrrell

16th August 2019

Wez Tyrrell answered the question "What water do window cleaners use?"

traditional can be soapy water, i do use this as i do traditional method but the water happens to be pure water as i use the water from my water tank in my van. i do produce my own pure water half the time the other half i goto a pure water station as i can refill fast for my waterfed pole system/reach and wash.

Answered by Supawipe

10th June 2019

Supawipe answered the question "What water do window cleaners use?"

Deinonised water is the pure water technology that window cleaners use. This is traditional water that has sometimes been passed through a water softener first to remove hard lime deposits. Water is then passed through a series of beaded filters to remove all minerals and impurities. The residual water then is very pure sometimes as little as 5 to 10 parts per million of impurity. Such is the composition of water, in its purest state that it is very active and looking to "get dirty" or impure again as quickly as possible. This makes it very useful to window cleaners, as the dirt is effectively sucked or absorbed from the glass into the pure water and glazed surfaces left clean and polished after the cleaning process.

Answered by Turners property maintenance

13th March 2019

Turners property maintenance answered the question "What water do window cleaners use?"

A traditional window cleaner will use just soapy water, which is usually fairly and water. The newer way is purified water which has all the hardness and chemicals taking out. Once they clean the window they rinse it off and it naturally drys leaving it clean with no water Marks

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