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What types of garden fencing are there?

1 Answer

Answered by L T Franklin property services

27th March 2019

L T Franklin property services answered the question "What types of garden fencing are there?"

The three most common fences are Traditional panels, Feather edge or picket fence. Traditional fence panels or waney edge panels are waney edge boards held together in a frame horizontally and are slightly over lapped. The panels are either held place by a U clip or nailed to a wooden post, they can also to be slotted into the grooves in concrete posts. These are good for making out a boundry and for security Feather edge or closeboard fencing is made up of posts being put into the ground, arris or cant rails fixed between them and tapered overlapping board nailed to the rails. Feather edge is also available in panels that can be fixed in the same way as tradtional panels. These are good for marking a boundry and security Picket fence is an open slatted design that is more decrotive. Its useful for marking a boundry and keeping pets and children in your garden

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