What is the life expectancy of a skylight / roof window?
2 Answers
Answered by Green Roofing (Bristol)
24th March 2020
Green Roofing (Bristol) answered the question "What is the life expectancy of a skylight / roof window?"
This all depends on a number of things;- Firstly, who installed the skylight. If the installation is poor, the longitude of the window will be dramatically reduced. Secondly, the type of velux (brand). There are many brands out there. Velux are the superior brand & have excellent customer support. Most skylights come with a 10 year guarantee, but have installed & seen skylights pass this time massively
Answered by Risco Roofing
10th April 2019
Risco Roofing answered the question "What is the life expectancy of a skylight / roof window?"
Most skylight manufacturers guarantee the windows for 10 years, however we’ve installed windows over 2@ years ago that are still going strong. The main focus should be in getting the skylight correctly installed by a trained installer. Velux are the main manufacturer but there are many other companies out there manufacturing roof windows.