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What is the best way to keep gravel in place on a driveway?

1 Answer

Answered by Castle Heights Building & Maintenance

21st March 2019

Castle Heights Building & Maintenance answered the question "What is the best way to keep gravel in place on a driveway?"

There are several options; Across the roadside entrance you can lay a few rows of granite sets, these are highly decorative and work very well for preventing gravel migration off a driveway. You may also want to consider using a grid system buried into the driveway, they’re like little pockets that hold the gravel in place. Yet another option you may wish to consider if you have a larger budget is a resin driveway, these look like a gravel driveway but the gravel is bound together and can never move, this option is also very easy to clean as you can simply jet wash it.

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