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What is the best way to clean a driveway?

2 Answers

Answered by Creative designs

3rd September 2019

Creative designs answered the question "What is the best way to clean a driveway?"

Providing the driveway is of a block paved nature then a pressure washer would be used along with a special detergent. However, care needs to be taken with regards to the outer edges of the driveway to ensure no damage is caused to external areas. If the driveway is tarmac then the same method would be applied but a tarmac product could be used to bring the driveway back to life.

Answered by L Kennedy Property

28th February 2019

L Kennedy Property answered the question "What is the best way to clean a driveway?"

As long as the driveway is in a good state of repair ( and obviously not gravel or similar ) then I would use a pressure washer.If the situation allows a specialist detergent could be used (care needs to be taken with regards to plant life and the local water table).If the drive is made up of block paving (the that slows water to drain) then more time and care may need to be taken to deal with weeds and so on.

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