What is the best Vaillant boiler for a 4-5 bedroom house?
3 Answers
Answered by C Brookes Plumbing & Heating
3rd March 2019
C Brookes Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is the best Vaillant boiler for a 4-5 bedroom house?"
The best Vaillant boiler for a 4-5 bedroom house can vary massively. The best thing to do is contact a local gas safe registered installer to give you a survey of your property. Generally for a property this size a combination boiler would not be ideal and you would normally be looking at a system or open vented boiler with a hot water cylinder.
Answered by M&M Gas Services Southern Ltd
1st March 2019
M&M Gas Services Southern Ltd answered the question "What is the best Vaillant boiler for a 4-5 bedroom house?"
A combi boiler would be very unlikely to be suitable for a 4-5 bedroom house. normally we would recumbent the Eco-Tec plus system boiler with unvented cylinder. but every house is individual as are a families requirements. make allowances for future development or extensions.it is also very dependent on the incoming cold main pressure/volume.
Answered by Alltime Plumbing & Heating
28th February 2019
Alltime Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is the best Vaillant boiler for a 4-5 bedroom house?"
the best boiler is totally dependant on what its being used for. if there is more than one shower then a Vaillant system boiler with an unvented cylinder would be the best set up. a combi boiler would be the best option if the demand for hot water is less. for example if there is a large demand for hot water then a combi boiler would not cope with the demand