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What is the average office cleaning cost?

2 Answers

Answered by Dtd Cleaning Contractors Limited

10th February 2020

Dtd Cleaning Contractors Limited answered the question "What is the average office cleaning cost?"

As said before cost be between £10 an hour to £15 an hour and more depend on what company you go with. We alway suggest that you get some back ground on the company before hiring them. EG reviews, insurance, costs and what’s included in your price. We do office cleans at £15 an hour but that includes everything no hidden fee or cost.

Answered by Brendan Ballard Plumbing & Heating Services

5th June 2019

Brendan Ballard Plumbing & Heating Services answered the question "What is the average office cleaning cost?"

Costs vary. We chstge £15 per hour for an office clean. This includes dusting, wiping of desks, computers, window seeks and skirtings. Cleaning toilets and kitchen areas. Hoovering, mopping and polishing. Depending on office size, I'd suggest approx £30 per week for a 2 hour clean.

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