What is an LPG boiler? How do they work?
2 Answers
Answered by Wakefield Boiler Services
11th July 2020
Wakefield Boiler Services answered the question "What is an LPG boiler? How do they work?"
In the same way as a natural gas boiler , the main difference is the fuel that they burn . It will be supplied from a set of cylinders that are a bank of 2-4 or a bulk tank which can be either above or below ground . In regards to boiler difference , some boilers are able to adapt by changing parameters in the main pcb ( brains ) , some require a injector and or gas valve change . There is also some different gas safety regulations in natural gas to lpg .
Answered by Tom Sutton Heating
21st February 2020
Tom Sutton Heating answered the question "What is an LPG boiler? How do they work?"
An LPG boiler is no different from a normal boiler really. The only real difference is that it burns liquid petroleum gas that is usually supplied from bottles or a storage tank, instead of natural gas which is supplied from a mains gas system. Of course there are some differences in regulations surrounded LPG installations, so if you need to some work carried out involving LPG, make sure you check that your company has the relevant qualifications. Tom Sutton Heating are qualified to work on LPG installations.