What happens if you paint wet plaster?
2 Answers
Answered by Martone Plastering Services
26th January 2020
Martone Plastering Services answered the question "What happens if you paint wet plaster?"
If you do not let the plaster to fully dry the will not stick to the fresh plaster and eventually it will start to flask off the plaster. Always let the plaster fully dry this will be a pinky colour and then use a mist coat (adding water to emulsion paint) so the paint seals the new plaster.
Answered by D2 Complete Projects Ltd
10th February 2019
D2 Complete Projects Ltd answered the question "What happens if you paint wet plaster?"
If you paint over wet plaster the paint will not adhere properly and flake off in due course. It is always best to allow the plaster to dry fully before starting decoration with a mist coat (a watered down emulsion). You can often tell when plaster is dry enough once it has all changed to a light uniformed colour with no dark patches. For wallpapering it is often best to allow 3 months before covering as the walls can not breath once covered.