What are the pros and cons of laminate worktops?
2 Answers
Answered by Concept Carpentry & Building
18th February 2020
Concept Carpentry & Building answered the question "What are the pros and cons of laminate worktops?"
Laminate is a cost effective worktop there are different grade available, some of the cheap ones use low grade chipboard & bow badly due to not having a balancer on back. A good quality like Duropal, Axiom & bush board fitted correctly with all cutouts sealed & properly jointed will look great. Worth noting that puddles of water left on surface, hot pans directly on surface & kettles boiled on joints could damage it.
Answered by Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd
10th February 2019
Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd answered the question "What are the pros and cons of laminate worktops?"
There are pros and cons to any worktop. Laminate worktops are a very popular choice nowadays as they are not very costly, they are scratch & heat resistant, they are very durable, easy to cut & fit and they are long lasting. You can also get them in many different colours with different textures - without close inspection this makes them hard to tell apart from real wood, granite or stone. Due to them being made from chipboard, if water manages to get into a join, these can swell and bubble. As with anything, care should be taken so that there is no water damage. Also, as with any worktop, chopping boards should be used so no areas are scratched. Very hot pans and saucepans should not be placed on any worktop to avoid burning the surface.