What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?
5 Answers
Answered by PPH South ltd
25th February 2019
PPH South ltd answered the question "What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?"
Installing solar panels in the uk used to be very popular. With the tariff no coming to an end they seem to be less popular. However I believe the battery technology has really started to improve meaning with the correct sized solar set up you could potential charge your battery bank meaning massively reduced electric bills even with out the feed in tariff.
Answered by Home Heating UK
12th February 2019
Home Heating UK answered the question "What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?"
The cost of solar thermal installed,against the possible life time saving in my opinion is a very low return on investment. But as a green solution to hot water usage. It’s great. If system is sized correctly on a average sunny day you will be able to satisfy your hot water demand.
Answered by Ambient design and heating
10th February 2019
Ambient design and heating answered the question "What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?"
There’s two main types of solar panels, electric and thermal. The solar electric panels could save you money on your electric bills and possibly make money if you feed into the national grid and use less than they make. They also lower you carbon foot print and if installed well could make your house value rise . The disadvantage of them are they are expensive to install and could give roofing issues if fitted poorly and drop your house value Solar thermal is a system used to use the sun to heat your hot water. Advantage are lower heating bills as they help to heat your hot water and radiator system Disadvantage is extra yearly service
Answered by Bog Standard Plumbing
9th February 2019
Bog Standard Plumbing answered the question "What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?"
Their are two types of panels Solar thermal Solar Photovoltaic Their are many Pros and cons to both Pros solar thermal -Can produce your required hot water demand during summer months -low running cost -money back incentives from green deals -other heat sources can be used as a back on cloudy days Pros of Solar photovoltaic -Can produce a Desgin amount of electricity depending on amount of panels and weather - Low running cost -Green deal incentives - what ever electricity you don’t use can be given back to national grid who will reimburse you for each kw
Answered by A.D. Energy
9th February 2019
A.D. Energy answered the question "What are the pros and cons of installing solar panels in the UK?"
The pros of them in the UK are that when the sun is out with the correct sizing of panels you can get hot water. The cons are that the sun is not often bright and beaming in the UK. Therefore no hot water. However on sunny days in winter you can get a few degrees out of the panels. This definitely adds up and with energy bills a few degrees can make a difference.