What are the benefits of installing a smart thermostat?
4 Answers
Answered by SAFGas Ltd
14th April 2020
SAFGas Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of installing a smart thermostat?"
Smart thermostat can mean 2 things. Smart as in its learns the pattern of your requirements, like a Nest learning thermostat or smart because it can be used off a smart device!!!!! There is only a couple of true Smart learning thermostats I know, Nest & Genius Hub. Therefore I think the term 'Smart Thermostat' refers to being able to use it from your phone or Smart device. In my opinion there is no 'best' smart thermostat if just simply on/off. If we were to ask what is the best thermostat protocol, then I would be saying Open Therm is the best over weather compensation, optimum start or load compensation etc etc. So in a nutshell it not the stat but the protocol that makes the system more efficient in my opinion!!............
Answered by Gene's Gas Services
3rd December 2019
Gene's Gas Services answered the question "What are the benefits of installing a smart thermostat?"
first question I ask is "what is a smart thermostat?" if it just allows you to adjust your heating remotely is that truly smart? what if it can also control the boiler? then it becomes a bit smarter. what if you can remotely see what the boiler is doing? see fault codes, reset the boiler remotely? have a engineers access for remote diagnostics? now we are truly smart. as a base, a smart control should be opentherm or the like, and be able to modulate the boiler in line with the amount of heat required to get to the desired temp. weather comp is another smart feature. some manufacturers of boilers have gone one step further and now have remote access to the boiler for service, repair and fault diagnostic. now this is a true smart control .
Answered by Careys Plumbing & Gas Ltd
3rd November 2019
Careys Plumbing & Gas Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of installing a smart thermostat?"
They are much more energy efficient. The nest for example is connected to your WiFi and will check the temperature of the weather outside to work out the best time to start heating your house to reach the desired temperature set in your heating schedule. It also has a sensor that will learn patterns of when people are coming home and leaving for work and adapt to keep the house warm when needed.
Answered by S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd
6th October 2019
S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd answered the question "What are the benefits of installing a smart thermostat?"
The benefits of installing a smart thermostat is that they are usually full programmable with 7 day programming for hot water, Heating, UFH systems. Also they tend to be weather compensating and linked to your phone so you can set from there instead of at home. Also decent smart stats allow total control instead of on/off stats.