How to deter rats from a garden?
2 Answers
Answered by Keye Pest Control
29th October 2020
Keye Pest Control answered the question "How to deter rats from a garden?"
To help prevent rodents from entering your garden please remove any water or food sources, rodent love bird feeders as much as the birds. If you have a shed try to build a concrete base and also raise the shed from the floor. Keep your garden tidy and clutter free at all times.
Answered by Heather Contracts Limited
26th June 2019
Heather Contracts Limited answered the question "How to deter rats from a garden?"
Prevent leaving rubbish & food debris within the garden. Try and put any bird feeders up high & clear away any spilt seed. Sometimes, if a property has an outside toilet which isn't used very often, or had decommissioned pipework which wasn't removed, rats can use these as ready made homes! So ensure all underground drainage is serviceable & remove any lengths that are decommissioned. A CCTV drain survey can be used to check the condition of the pipe.