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How much does it cost to plaster a room?

6 Answers

Answered by RR Property maintenance

10th February 2020

RR Property maintenance answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

It depends on the size of the room and the condition of the surfaces that are going to be skimmed. the longer it will take will adjust the cost.

Answered by Martone Plastering Services

3rd January 2020

Martone Plastering Services answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

Like previous plasterers have said it all depends what work needs doing. The best way would be for me to go round and have a look so I now what needs to be done, how much materials I need and then I can send the customer a free quotation by email.


19th September 2019

C.C.HUMPHREY PLASTERING AND PROPERTY SERVICES answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

Like many other plasterers will say, it all depends on what needs doing to meet the customers needs and the size of the room. e.g. if it new plasterboard and it been fitted properly there will be minimal preparation but if a reskim which it has had modifications ( new electrical chases to fill , make good of newly fitted window/doors etc.) then would be more preparation work involved prior to Plastering. A site visit is all was recommended so you can gauge what needs doing behand to give fair and accurate qoute.

Answered by Mike Barrett Building Services

18th September 2019

Mike Barrett Building Services answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

The cost of plastering a room depends on several factors. Is it the ceiling and walls. Are the previously painted surfaces good enough to plaster over. Are there lots of cracks in the substrate. Is the substrate loose and defective thus requiring hacking off and subsequently making good. Obviously all these and other factors need to be taken into account before quotation can be given. Therefore I would recommend taking a look at every job prior to giving a quote. As a guideline if it is just a re-skim with minimal making good I would allow approximately £15 per square metre labour and materials


24th April 2019

MGA PLASTERING LTD answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

Before offering a quote to plaster any areas of work I would advice a site visit to see what’s involved before providing a quote There are various types of plaster remidies that may be required eg re skim walls and ceiling ,fix new plasterboard ceilings,re plaster room and remove excisting plaster .Protection to fittings would need to be assessed,all the above before providing a quote

Answered by Jenson Fox Ltd

17th February 2019

Jenson Fox Ltd answered the question "How much does it cost to plaster a room?"

This is the million dollar question , there are so many variables that it’s almost impossible to answer. As a guide a plasterer will cost between £150 -£250 per day depending on area and will plaster approximately 20-30 m2 a day (depending on type of plastering and preparation required).

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