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How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?

5 Answers

Answered by S&M Decorators Ltd

21st February 2020

S&M Decorators Ltd answered the question "How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?"

To paint a house exterior depends on the size of it of course, but usually, the universal price is £3 for a square meter. Regarding this and the damage of the exterior, you can speak with the trader or company to set up a price. Keep in mind that the £3 price is only for one coat of paint so if your house exterior is looking you will need to apply two or three layers.

Answered by Northamptonshire Painting & Decorating

8th April 2019

Northamptonshire Painting & Decorating answered the question "How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?"

this easy question as I'm so into my exterior painting. this questions also depends on the size of the property and smooth or really rough pebble dash your painting. if it's really rough then I go to my stock and get my captain chunk roller out. it's easier quicker and saves time. I've won contracts where price has been between £2500/£5000. again depends what's involved i.e windows doors guttering as so fourth.

Answered by Jason Gunter Decorating

24th March 2019

Jason Gunter Decorating answered the question "How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?"

Every external job is different so one cannot simpler put one price down for that.It all depends on the size and condition of the exterior,along with what specification to decorate. I have quoted and won external jobs from (full house renders)£1800 through to £4500+ There is so much variation in painting and decorating has each job is different meaning that sometimes even a ballpark figure could be way off. Although if we were looking at the new build sector for major house builders then there are easier due to only so many plot designs being built on one site

Answered by Refresh Property Services

28th February 2019

Refresh Property Services answered the question "How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?"

How big is the house. There is no average as price is dictaed by condition, work required and safe access. Therefore above one storey you may require scaffold equipment to ensure the safety of your contracted decorator as well as making progress easier which will provide for a better, more thorough finish.

Answered by B Marsh Decorators ltd

17th February 2019

B Marsh Decorators ltd answered the question "How much does it cost to paint a house exterior?"

Tricky question as depends on size of the exterior and in what condition it's in. I find mostly the people leave it till it's really bad to the point where you may need to burn off the old paint. If this is the case the cost will be much more then if it was done when it's still in good condition. On average every 4 to 5 years you should paint your exterior which will not only keep your exterior looking good all year round but the cost won't be as much because it's more of a maintenance paint job then a going back to bare wood and starting from scratch job.

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