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How long does it take for a conservatory to be built?

4 Answers

Answered by Glazie LTD

18th December 2020

Glazie LTD answered the question "How long does it take for a conservatory to be built?"

A normal size conservatory about 4mx4m with base wall foundations brickwork plastering and painting including windows and doors installation along with the roof could take 4-5 weeks on average depending on various factors e.g weather or access to site. But same conservatory could be completed in 2-3 week with full height glass and windows .

Answered by JMS Constructions

20th November 2019

JMS Constructions answered the question "How long does it take for a conservatory to be built?"

Typical conservatories take between three and four weeks to build, including all snagging and finishing off. Large projects could last around six weeks. Construction work will usually begin with the base, and tends to involve builders being on site for about about three days. Sometimes faster

Answered by Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd

25th March 2019

Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd answered the question "How long does it take for a conservatory to be built?"

For an average 4meter x 4meter conny build from scratch the base work takes 1 week the conservatory frame and roof build takes approx 4 days max and the internal finishing apart from decorating and flooring another 3 days so a total of 2/3weeks start to finish. Obviously access can make a difference to this if it’s difficult

Answered by The Window Workshop (Sussex) Ltd

10th February 2019

The Window Workshop (Sussex) Ltd answered the question "How long does it take for a conservatory to be built?"

How long will it take? Typical average-sized conservatories take between three and four weeks to build, including all snagging and finishing off. Large projects could last around six weeks. Construction work will usually begin with the base, and tends to involve builders being on site for about about a week or so Often planning permission is also required which can also take around 6 weeks to obtain

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