How long do biomass boilers last?
2 Answers
Answered by JDH Plumbing and Heating
24th April 2020
JDH Plumbing and Heating answered the question "How long do biomass boilers last?"
All depends of the quality of the product, fuel and installation. I only recommend 2 manufacturers of biomass products. They are world leaders in biomass boilers. Good quality servicing also keeps boilers going to their maximum working age. Most modern products, serviced withing manufacturers instructions will last upto 20 years
Answered by Anti-freeze
28th May 2019
Anti-freeze answered the question "How long do biomass boilers last?"
Biomass boilers usually achieve a life expectancy of minimum 20 years, this is provided it is installed and sized correctly whilst being maintained and serviced every year. as modern boilers are more efficient, and system designs should be suited to each project the life expectancy should be greater.