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How does double glazing work?

2 Answers

Answered by Honest Windows & Doors Ltd

31st August 2019

Honest Windows & Doors Ltd answered the question "How does double glazing work?"

Double Glazing is quite complex in how it works. The new breed of double glazing ('A' Rated) windows has an invisible film on the outside pane which is designed to absorb heat into your property whereas the inside pane has an invisible film on it which is designed to reflect heat back into your property so your whole window is working to maximise the amount of heat both taken in and retained into your property. Along with this inside the pane of glass it is filled with argon gas which improves insulation.

Answered by Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd

27th March 2019

Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd answered the question "How does double glazing work?"

How does double glazing work? Double glazing uses two panes of glass separated by a layer of argon gas to keep your home more energy efficient and reduce sound. The argon gas is a poor heat conductor and therefore keeps warm air from escaping, while the second pane of glass acts as a barrier to noise

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