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How do smart thermostats work?

2 Answers

Answered by Stroud Boilerworks

27th July 2020

Stroud Boilerworks answered the question "How do smart thermostats work?"

Smart thermostats can control the heating and hot water like a traditional room thermostat or HW controller but have extra functionality. They allow remote control from an app on a mobile phone, tablet or computer where you may find it easier to control or use the extra features. Some are also "self learning" where they learn your patterns of life and the temperature outside to reduce the "On" time of the boiler to save you money. They are designed to keep your home at your comfortable temperature with reduced input from you. When used with the latest boilers they can do more than simply turn the boiler on or off, they can also reduce the output temperature supplying the radiators to save energy. If you are really into technology or home automation they can control different zones for example turn off areas of a house you are not using like bedrooms during the day to save money.

Answered by MB Gas & Heating Ltd

14th June 2020

MB Gas & Heating Ltd answered the question "How do smart thermostats work?"

A smart thermostat operates very similar to a standard non smart thermostat , however smart thermostats have many added benefits and features that a standard thermostat doesn’t , such as opentherm technology which reduces your boiler gas consumption which makes a dramatic effect on your bill is paired with an opentherm compatible boiler such as Baxi , but the main reason is that you can control the heating on a smart device such as you phone

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