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How do air source heat pumps work?

2 Answers

Answered by Home Heating UK

3rd May 2020

Home Heating UK answered the question "How do air source heat pumps work?"

Air source heat pumps are a very good solution for any property off the gas network. They use electric from the grid, so for example the air source heat pump will convert 1 kw of power into between. 3 and 4 kw of heat (if installed correctly and the right heat loss calculations are carried out) We as a company use Daikin,Samsung and mitzi) I would recommended air source heating to anyone off grid The out side units we use are very quiet

Answered by Anti-freeze

28th May 2019

Anti-freeze answered the question "How do air source heat pumps work?"

Air is blown across a heat exchanger which contains refrigerant gasses, the refrigerant absorbs the latent heat in the atmosphere, this is then put through a refrigeration cycle inside the machine, where the compressor allows the refrigerant to superheat and create a much hotter temperature which is then transferred to the heat in your heating system via another heat exchanger. The more efficient the heat pump the better the yield of heat and economical run of the appliance, thus saving money in running costs, keeping your bills as low as possible.

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