Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?
5 Answers
Answered by Keynston Services
22nd February 2020
Keynston Services answered the question "Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?"
signs include age; age of the house plus age of the existing wiring. If the consumer unit (fuse board) still has rewirable fuses - it is OLD, with protection against overcurrent (too much demand for power overheating the wiring). If it has individual circuit breakers with a button or switch it may not be "as old". If it has one or two switch units marked 'RCD' or 'RCCB' then you have protection against electric shock (fault current). One or more of these devices will protect a group of mini circuit breakers (MCB aka 'a fuse') - one MCB per circuit. More modern installations have a combined RCD + MCB per circuit (an RCBO). The consumer unit can indicate the age & state of wiring, or the state it was in when a CU was replaced. Any signs of a lot of DIY changes, extra sockets with cable run in conduit or clipped to skirting also poses concerns. If in doubt, get a competent registered electrician in to assess your installation and quote for an EICR (see previous posts).
Answered by A N Electrics Limited
15th December 2019
A N Electrics Limited answered the question "Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?"
This depends on a lot of factors but the main signs that it may need rewired will be, # -old rewireable fused boards. -No earth at lights and switches - Evidence of work been carried out by DIY person The only thing that can truly tell you if your flat needs rewired or not is a EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) by a qualified Electrician. This will give you a full report telling you if any defects and recommendations.
Answered by DF Electrical (NW) Ltd
16th March 2019
DF Electrical (NW) Ltd answered the question "Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?"
A massive giveaway is usually the fuse box/consumer unit area. That always gives you an idea of the age and condition of the install. If you have old pull out fuses instead of newer switches then it’s always best to get and EICR (periodic inspection) from a local accredited electrician. They will be able to check everything is safe or unsafe and give you recommendations on how to bring the install up to date and make it safe, should it need
Answered by Electrical Innovations (Derby) Ltd
7th March 2019
Electrical Innovations (Derby) Ltd answered the question "Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?"
The easy sign is an old fuse board with fuses instead of circuit breakers. This would be from the early 80's and the wiring will be failing by now. Other obvious signs are no earth on your lighting circuits, green slime in electrical accessories and general poor condition of the electrical items throughout the house. The easiest way to tell is to have an Electrical Installation Condition Report carried out on the property. This is like an MOT for your house. It's a sure fire way to find out the condition of your installation.
Answered by GES Electrical
28th February 2019
GES Electrical answered the question "Does my house need rewiring? What are the signs your house needs rewiring?"
There is a simple answer to this. Call out your local registered electrician to complete a “Electrical installation condition report” EICR or periodic as they are sometimes referred to. This will give you a good indication on the condition of the existing wiring. These should be carried out at intervals set by the person who installed the consumer unit or the last person to test it. They can be periods of up to 10 years but are sometime a lot less if the installation is older.