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Do window cleaners work in the rain?

4 Answers

Answered by The Window Cleaners 2 Services

1st April 2020

The Window Cleaners 2 Services answered the question "Do window cleaners work in the rain?"

Yes and believe it or not rain water is pure water. If it rained from the ground upwards (which it doesn’t) but if it did, every window cleaner would be out of business. It’s the wind that blows the dirt onto the windows, usually the top end of window and the dirt sticks so that when it rains, the dirt, because of gravity runs down the windows giving the wrong idea you must not clean the windows in the rain. In reality it actually helps the window cleaner if it rains when he is cleaning them but unfortunately the window cleaner gets soaking wet. So in truth it makes no difference if you clean them in the rain or not.

Answered by M.E.D Ltd

29th September 2019

M.E.D Ltd answered the question "Do window cleaners work in the rain?"

Yes. The rain when it falls actually does not hit the windows. The pure water system that I use does not leave residue so does not attract dirt or allow the rain to settle on the windows. Keeping all your customers happy & being regular means that sometimes you just have to be out in the rain working.

Answered by Wez Tyrrell

16th August 2019

Wez Tyrrell answered the question "Do window cleaners work in the rain?"

yes, always when window cleaning and the rain doesnt affect anything other that how wet the window cleaner gets during the day. gutter cleaning it all depends on if am using the gutter vac or ladder, if its ladder I'll only go up if the rain is light as if it gets to heavy i really wouldnt risk slipping, but i suppose thats the benefit to the gutter vac

Answered by Supawipe

10th June 2019

Supawipe answered the question "Do window cleaners work in the rain?"

Yes it is possible to clean windows in the rain although some people will not appreciate this. All glazing can be cleaned using deionised water from a water fed pole system. This will remove dust and general grime deposits from weather and the environment, even bird droppings can be removed this way. After the cleaning process the glass will dry to a clean, dry and smear free finish.......even after the rain!

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