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Can you paint matt over silk paint?

6 Answers

Answered by B&G Decorators

1st December 2022

B&G Decorators answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

Yes you can do it I would always clean down the wall first to remove any dirt and grease that may hamper the paint from adhering. Then you will need to give the silk paint a good sanding all over to remove the sheen. Or you could use various primers or PVA type products such as Gardz or probably a B.I.N product. Hopefully it helps you.

Answered by A-Team Painting & Decorating

28th February 2019

A-Team Painting & Decorating answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

Yes it is possible ,there are a few of ways to do that : Sanding all the shine off properly with a sandpaper but bare in mind that is hard work and time consuming. An easier way and what i am usually doing (recommended by Dulux as well) is applying a coat of soft sheen paint over the silk . As an alternative ( haven’t tried yet but is being recommended by other painters ) is to apply a coat of zinsser Gardz as a base coat.I hope this helps

Answered by Jason Gunter Decorating

22nd February 2019

Jason Gunter Decorating answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

IT certainly can be painted over with matt. There are two ways you can do this and onw way is to seal the wall prior and the other is that you dont. If you don`t seal the wall then wash down the surface but do not sand the silk until you have applied a coat of matt then fill and sand down the whole surface before you spot prime the filler and apply further coats of matt to the desired finish,or you can seal with a product called gardz on which you can carry out your noral decoration over the top of this,on some occasions you may need to apply 3 coats over the sealer

Answered by B Marsh Decorators ltd

17th February 2019

B Marsh Decorators ltd answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

You first need to sand out all of the silk to a flat finish with sand paper. Normally an 80 or 120 grade is enough. After this apply Zinsser Gardz. Apply this primer to all of the sanded silk surfaces and allow to dry. Then apply your matt paint, usually 2 coats is sufficient but an extra coat is sometimes needed

Answered by Brush Finish

10th February 2019

Brush Finish answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

Yes you can. The old silk finish need to be rubbed down to provide a key for the new paint. In doing this, certain elements of the old silk become active, and if you paint straight over it, the new paint will craze( new paint splits given a fine cracked effect) To overcome this problem, a suitable primer is necessary which is called Zinsser Gardz. Apply this primer to all abraded silk surfaces and allow to dry. The walls are then ready to paint with Matt emulsion.

Answered by S&M Decorators Ltd

9th February 2019

S&M Decorators Ltd answered the question "Can you paint matt over silk paint?"

Yes, you can. But you need to follow a few steps before painting matt over silk emulsion. First of all, use some materials such as sandpaper, wet or dry or sanding discs, to smooth the surface and remove the gloss paint before painting after that use Zinsser primer before putting the final coat.

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