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Can pebbledash be painted over?

1 Answer

Answered by Castle Heights Building & Maintenance

28th February 2021

Castle Heights Building & Maintenance answered the question "Can pebbledash be painted over?"

Simple answer - yes! As with most painting projects preparation is the most important part, ensure that the pebbledashed wall is in a sound condition, then using a stiff brush, brush all debris and lose material from the wall to be painted. Using a pressure washer from a distance of at least a metre wash down the wall to remove the last of the dust/debris that may remain after brushing. Ensure that the wall is dry! A week of good weather without heavy dews in the morning/evening should allow the wall to dry thoroughly. Apply a proprietary stabilising solution liberally and allow to dry. Then using a brush rather than a roller apply a good quality exterior weathershield paint and make sure to get in all the crevices and gaps, second coat the next day for a lasting finish (read the tin though, as some specialty paints only require one coat) Hope this helps.

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