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Are there grants available for air source heat pumps?

2 Answers

Answered by Home Heating UK

10th May 2020

Home Heating UK answered the question "Are there grants available for air source heat pumps?"

There are still government grants available, this is the renewable heat incentive. It’s been designed to bridge the gap between cheaper fossil fuel boilers and the expensive renewable products. For example if a oil boiler costs £4,850 to supply and install the cost of a air source heat pump with upgraded hot water cylinder in the same property would be on average £12,600 ( this is a very ball park figure and would be subject to a site survey) Renewable heat incentive payments would cover all or most of the difference between the two costs. The RHI IS BASED ON THE PROPERTIES ENGERY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE so all properties will be different The payment is paid quarterly over 7 years Hope the above helps

Answered by Anti-freeze

28th May 2019

Anti-freeze answered the question "Are there grants available for air source heat pumps?"

Yes, the government has set up a scheme called the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) this allows you to claim back money for 7 years domestically payable every quarter into your bank account, this is to help subsidise the move from fossil fuel technologies. initial outlay for installation to be paid by customer

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